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MP_1SIDED_SHEET_NO_CALC: body has 1-sided sheets; volume not calculated (ext)


I seem to be getting this error and I don't know what particular part in my assembly is causing the issue. The assembly itself shows no issues and everything is mated well.
There may be a non-solid object in your assembly. Is it an imported part?
Sure thing!
So I am trying to use the physical properties calculation button (Using medium in this case, doesn't really matter) and after a bit, I get the error shown in the title. My main reason for calculating is to find the moment of inertia.

To answer your question, there are a couple of imported parts, but the error doesn't really tell me what specific part it is. Furthermore, each imported part has had no visible errors and constraints just fine with all of my other parts.


Alibre Super User
Imported parts can be dodgy. You could do a 'check part' on each one of the imported files to get an analysis. But basically a non-solid part will not have a volume and AD can't handle that.