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Occurrence from Plane


Occurrence from Plane

Hi All,

:? It's a shame, I know, but I can't find the way to get the Occurrence-object from any plane.

What I looking for is the transform (4x4) matrix.
I must it have for each plane, that exists.
Z-Vector is given but not the important matrix-data.

Have anybody a idea ?

Thanks in advance


There are two types of plane objects that you can query from Alibre API.

As you have mntioned IADPlane in your email I will first explain that:

1. If you have IADPlane object that means you have queried it from IADFace. Which means you should have had the object pointer for IADOccurrence somewhere before this call. Also along with normal IADPlane also returns RootPoint which is a point on the plane. With the transformation on occurrence which would take it from occurrence co-ordinate system to world-co-ordinate system, and normal and a point on the plane you can completely define the plane in space.

2. Second type of plane is IADDesignPlane. Now this is a datum plane or the reference plane created in Alibre. This object also has two methods one for returning the normal and one which define the extents of the plane in 3D space. To get hold of this object you would have to get an IADDesignSession object which in turn could be queried on IADOccurrence.

In either case it would be really helpful in narrowing down the perfect answer to your question if you could tell me how exacltly are you getting to the point where you have an IADPlane object with you. So either if you could send me the code snippet or tell me the way you are getting to this point it would be nice.


Senior Member

I have a question about this, too.

I can get an IADDesignPlane's Normal vector via the API, but how do I get its distance and origin? Without these I can't find, for example, where (1,1) on some user defined plane exists in the global space.



Occurrence from IADDesignPlane

Hi Chaitanya,

I agree with you that it's easy to get the normal-vector and extents of the plane.
But this is not enough for my solution.

I try to explain what I want:
I have a IADPartSession. (Not assembly)
It's easy to get the IADDesignSession-object.
Now comes my problem:
1. How can I get the IADOccurrence-object from IADDesignSession :?: (There is no such property)
2. How can I get the IADOccurrence object of the IADDesignPlane-object :?:
Exactly that is what I want.
Then I have the World-IADTransformation and Local-IADTransformation, so all is Ok for me.

Please tell me the solution with a code snippet (C++ or VB, what is easier for you)

