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Overlap issue.


I am having a problem with an overlap. I fixed two others using analyze tool, it highlighted the other overlap areas in blue, but this last one is causing me grief. I can't see any highlighted areas, and I have redone a bunch of lines that looked suspect, but no joy. Is there any way to find a possible tiny overlap?


Alibre Super User
Can you post a screen shot? Does the Heal option of the Analyze tool activate allowing you to select it to clear the overlap? If it doesn't then you may have to zoom way in to see the highlighted overlap of the sketch. Sometimes this is an issue with a complex sketch, i.e: one with a lot of features defined within the sketch. Another reason to keep sketches simple.


Staff member
Does it actually fail if you try to use the sketch in feature? (I've known the analyse tool give false positives occasionally).

That is a complex sketch - much busier than would be recommended.

A method that I might use to narrow down the search is to box select one half of the sketch and convert to reference geometry - then re-analyse. Whether result changes or not will tell you if the problem is in the selected region. Carry on with smaller regions to narrow things down.

When you have a limited region left that is know to contain the issue, delete figures one at a time. If figure vanish, use undo to put it back. If deleting reveal another line underneath, you've found the problem.


Staff member
Forgot to ask - is that imported from some other package? If so do check for symbols and make sure to explode them (preferably before pasting into 2D sketch).


Found it, through a process of elimination, cutting the sketch into different pieces and then exiting , I found where the issue was.