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Pattern or Repeat for sketches or feautres - how many is ok?


in the help documentation there is not really any guide about maximum numbers of when these features start causing part files to become excessively large/unstable.

i have been trying to model a mesh/screen with a basic sketch of two parallelograms being repeated horizontally (20 times), and vertically (~45 times) and used for a Cut, and finding this to be grinding everything to a halt. i have tried having everything shut & even disabling internet connection and antivirus programs to see if it would let this thing save, but problem persists.

anyone have any ideas about minimizing these problems?


eg: how far i seem to be able to get without freezing:

http://z30.zupload.com/download.php?fil ... epath=5107


Senior Member

I did a 8" x 20" sheet metal part full of .375" hex cutouts. Took a little while to run; not too bad but it did complete. Doesn't answer your question as far as a limit but I thought I would at least let you know.

I don't think there's anything you can do to fix the problem, but as a workaround (#134,421 I think), try and create that pattern as several smaller patterns. Like maybe 20 rows and 10 columns. Then create another sketch where the first one left off and pattern that again. Repeat until finished.