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PDF Creator fails on Win 7


Senior Member
I just upgraded to Windows 7, 64 bit and I found out there is a problem with PDF Creator failing to work correctly. So far there is not a fix on their forum.
What free PDF program is everyone using please?
(I thought there was a similar thread on this issue, but I could not find it.)
Thank you.


Works here.
Both the drawing/2d pdf tool and the 3d pdf of part/assy models.
I used to have a PDF creator toolbar button but that's gone 9possibly with the win7 ir v12 upgrade, not sure. Now it's in the "file" dropdown menu.


Senior Member
Thank you for your reply.

I keep getting install errors. I actually did get it to install once, but when I pressed to print, the window would just disappear.
On the forum I found similar threads but no fixes yet. They are working on the next version which is supposed to fix this issue.
I will keep up on the forum for PDF Creator, but for now I have no way of producing a pdf for this system so I need to install something. I am a little paranoid about just installing "anything" so I was hoping to get feedback on a safe alternative for now.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

(oops..should of mentioned the version I am trying to install is 0.9.9. the threads state similar problems with back versions)

Thank you.


Alibre Super User
Just set up a new machine with win 7 x64, Alibre 12.1 Pro and downloaded and installed the .99 version as directed to from the download page and it installed and worked fine.

So sorry, no idea :?


Senior Member
I found the solution for this and I thought I would post it in case someone else had similar issues with this.
There is a beta version of PDF Creator,, and this one installed and ran with no problems for me.

You can find this through their forum.

Thank you.


Just installed 0.9.9 last night on Win7 64-bit Home Premium with no issues. However, there are many free PDF printers you can choose from that do the same thing. I haven't used the 2D drawing feature much yet and thought something was missing or turned off because the "Publish to PDF" that is enabled in 3D modeling is grayed out. So, looks like any PDF printer will do then.