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Phantom constraints


Senior Member
I ran into a problem where a phantom constraint exists in my design until I close and reopen the design.

This happened recently with an assembly that initially consisted of two cylinders:

After creating and saving cylinder C1, I I created cylinder C2. For C2, I first defined a plane that referenced the front face of cylinder C1.

After finishing cylinder C2 (some minor embellishments) and saving it, I decided that I would like to break the explicit relationship between C2 and C1. I reopened C2 and edited the plane definition so that it no longer was based on the face on C1. Instead, I based the plane off C2's XY plane.

At this point, C2 should be able to move independent of C1. Instead, C2 was anchored to C1 no matter what I did. There were no inter-design relationship in the design tree. Only after I closed and reopened the design, C1 and C2 were no longer locked together.

(This is on V22)
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