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Precise movement of parts


New Member
Precise movement of parts

Has anyone noticed that the precision placement option in the assembly mode doesn't "precisely" place the part where you want it?

I am using Version 8.

When I try to move a part in the assembly it jumps maybe two to three times the desired move.




Senior Member
Precise movement of parts in V8

When I try to move a part in the assembly it jumps maybe two to three times the desired move

Interesting Tommy! I use this feature a lot in my animated gif creation, typically with a rotational precise movement of 1-2 degrees or maybe 5 - and it works fine in V7!! I have also used it to move translationally with no problems like this!

Did you have these issues in V7 before? Did you use V7 at all for assemblies? Robert


New Member

Thanks for the reply.

NO, I didn't have this problem with V7. This model was developed in V8 only.



Senior Member

Interesting. I have used this feature several times in v8.0 and it has always worked as expected. Maybe you could post a copy of the file and let me or others see if the problem exists for us or if it's unique to your installation.


Alibre Super User

Just to add info,

I just had an issue where I wanted to mate two points, one created within the assembly and the second one created within the part I wanted to move.

The mate operation only worked if it was the only constraint applied to the part but failed to work when all other needed constraints were applied.

Any way, the work around was to apply all constraints but the mate among the points. Then ask for the distance among those points and use the PRECISE MOTION tool with the delta X, Y and Z shown when I asked for the distance. The points mated perfectly (of course I had to anchor the part after this and it did take a little tweeking with + or - signs when moving).

I had to do this on two different assemblies and the PRECISE MOTION worked well in both. I'm using V8.

Could you describe your issue a little more indepth?