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Problem with .step-export


Senior Member
I do no 3D-printing myself - i use a web-based service: CraftCloud.
I send my .step files, choose material, get the price and place order.
This has worked OK for years, but not with step-files made in Alibre 27.
When the file is uploaded to CraftCloud a message occurs: File corrupt.
For testing I tried uploading .step-files made in older versions of Alibre and these works OK.
I also tried (for testing) making a very simple part: a small cube - still error occuring.

When opening the .step-files generated in v. 27 in Alibre 27 it shows OK.

In Alibre I can choose from 3 types of .step-files. I tried all - same problem.

Other users with same problem?
Is there a new setting in v. 27 that I have overlooked?



Senior Member
Hi Orjan,
I have tested a simple cube and exported in step AP 203. I don't have problem for this in craftcloud.
You could share the part?


Staff member
There is no new setting. However user profiles are held separately for each version - only thing for STEP export is the export units.

Does your v27 STEP export open OK in v26?


Staff member
You can have both v26 and v26 installed at the same time if desired...

I've just exported the same model from v26 and v27 and uploaded both STEP files to CraftCloud, the site claimed both as being corrupt. So this doesn't look like a v27 issue. I wonder if Craft Cloud has done some updates??

Perhaps try uploading a file that worked in the past to see if it is still OK.....


Senior Member
David said:
Perhaps try uploading a file that worked in the past to see if it is still OK.....

I tried that.
File made in previous versions of Alibre works OK


Staff member
Both my v26 and v27 file report problem at CraftCloud- BUT if I try the View option, the model looks fine. If I proceed to materials and prices, it gives me offers, so I don't see how the file could be corrupt...
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Senior Member
I also found the same, but I cannot order an expensive part without knowing the file is OK.

The mystery for me is that step-files made in v26 is OK for CraftCloud, while v27 is not.


Staff member
Opposite for me file made in both v26 and v27 report problem.

Maybe ask CraftCloud to check - give more detail...?

Ex Machina

Alibre Super User
When uploading to craftcloud, are you selecting cm as your units? That's the standard unit system of step files.

Ex Machina

Alibre Super User
I just tested and craftcloud throws an error for FreeCAD exports too. I'll try Onshape as well. Maybe the issue is on their side...

P.S. Also tested with Onshape. Same low volume error message. At this point it's their problem, not Alibre's. Maybe contact their support


Senior Member
Thank You all for investigating.
I have now sent CraftCloud a message with 2 files enclosed and described the issue.
Also told that other well-known CAD-programs experience the same issue.
Should be of great interest for them - looking forward to an answer.


Senior Member
Answer now received from CraftCloud:

Hello there,
Thank you for reaching out to us and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused!

Upon thorough investigation, we regret to inform you that an immediate resolution is not presently attainable. Our team is actively engaged in developing a solution that we aim to implement within this week.

Meanwhile, we suggest converting the files into STL format and proceeding with the upload. This method will empower us to furnish you with an accurate quotation.

We value your understanding and patience as we strive to rectify this situation!

Best regards,


Senior Member
I, too, have used this service many a time, but always used .stl files, and never had a problem.

Is there a reason for the use of a step file being, e.g., more precisse, or?

Just curious, and hoping to learn from you all
