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Problems Saving


Problems Saving

Why can't I save my assembly? In the corfirm section, it has the "OK" button greyed out so I can't click it... why? Under "Action Type", it list numerous parts as "duplicate"???




Alibre Super User

Are you using the repository?

To get out of trouble try a 'save as' and see if you can save the assembly.


Senior Member

Some parts appear between of various subassemblies.

Use Save as in the File Menu and in the left box verify what parts appear with the duplicate option and change its names. This can able the grayed bottom.


Alibre Super User

Using the Windows File System so what do you figure.........microsoft gets screwed up sometimes and looses itself..just maybe :?

But when it comes to running under windows who knows what can happen.

My guess is it lost the link to the file and has to overwrite (even though it's the same file).

indesign said:
Using the Windows File System so what do you figure.........microsoft gets screwed up sometimes and looses itself..just maybe :?

But when it comes to running under windows who knows what can happen.

My guess is it lost the link to the file and has to overwrite (even though it's the same file).

In my case, that had nothing to do with it. It will not allow saving of an assembly that is using multiple copies of the same part. AD needs to create a single copy of the part on the file system, and point to each one multiple times through the assembly structure, but it's not. I had to give all the duplicate parts unique names before it would allow saving to the file system. That is a serious problem, I've turned in an incident report on it.


Alibre Super User

Sound pretty strange. I use mutliples of the same part in assemblies quite often. I wonder if there is a specific way to make it loose it'a link. Maybe a corrupted file?

Anyone else have this issue?