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property value fields not updating in drawings


I have a drawing template which pulls data automatically, such as part name, created date, etc.
It was working fine until I had to reproject views because of a minor change to the part.
Now, it seems the link to the part data is broken because the drawing opens and shows only the field name (e.g., "Part Name" instead of the actual part name) in the relevant title block areas.
How can I get the auto-population of part data back working again?



Staff member
You might try changing the template to a different one, then changing it back again to your current template. That might give the system the 'kick' it needs to re-load the property data. You can change the template for the drawing by right click on the sheet in Drawing Explorer, then select Properties.


Alibre Super User
Sometimes Alibre just goes into the weeds for some of the functions.

At that point, just close everything and start the program again. That often fixes the problem. Alibre still has a really serious memory leak, and that can start to nibble away at some of the functionality if you get close to out of memory due to some sequence of operations.


To expand on what DavidJ said, I found the following workflow worked:

Open the drawing you wish to update with the new fields, data etc. (such fields/data having already been updated and saved in the original part file)

RMC on “New Sheet” in the dwg explorer

Select “sheet properties…”

Then click “OK” on the subsequent two dialog boxes - this loads (or reloads) the same template again, but with refreshed data

This does duplicate some items, like logos/jpegs, but otherwise updates the drawing to incorporate any new fields/labels.