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Red dims on drawing


Senior Member
I seem to have the same questionable issue coming up all the time. it has to do with RED dims on a drawing. I have small assembly files usually made up of maybe a dozen or less pretty simple individual part files. I have this assembly dimensioned in the drawing file (sometimes many dimensions). As I might change some of the individual part files and then go back to the assembly drawing, a bunch of the assembly dimensions are RED. I could understand if these dims were to the individual parts that I changed, but they are not. Most of these RED dims are between parts that haven't changed in any way? And I am getting tired of always having to redo dims that should not have turned RED. Thanks


The dimension turning to red tells you that it has lost associativity with one or more of the entities with which it is associated. Many times this is merely because it has not updated to the changes you made in the detail parts making up the assembly. Try this: Delete the dimension -- and then undelete it (<Ctrl+Z>. This is often sufficient to reattach the dimension. Sometime you have to delete the entire view -- and then undelete it. Both approaches work to one degree or another. This is a RPITA.

If the link (associativity) between the dimension and the related detail part entities is actually lost then this will not help and you will have to delete and recreate the dimension. However, if the link jut did not update, then this will often force that update. You will find the same thing (though, to a lessor degree) when dealing with detail part drawings.

Dimensioning needs to be more robust. That is a given. I have been screaming about this for some time now. Alibre has been asking me for advice and opinions on this subject, so it is fair to say that they are aware of this problem and working on it. And no, I do not work for Alibre.


Alibre Super User

Please modify the default settings:
Home - Alibre -> Tools -> Options... -> System Options -> Drawings -> Sketching
- Sketch node size -> Move the slider to Large
- Change the "Node color" from gray to a highly visible color.


  • Sketching-Settings-1.png
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Alibre Super User
For dimensioning you can now "catch/snap" the dimension with the highly visible nodes.
This process operates at ~ 90% without problems, also after updating your 3D Parts.


  • Sketching-Settings-2.png
    5.4 KB · Views: 454


Alibre Super User
In addition...
Here are some of my "Dimension Styles" settings.
Important -> Change the "Spacing Control" settings in all of your 2D Drawing Templates.


  • Dim-Styles-1.png
    37.9 KB · Views: 31


I've been pulling my hair out with this problem of dimensions that didn't change in the parts drawing getting red lined in the 2D drawing. Thanks so much for the delete/undelete tip. It's made my life a lot easier.