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Referencing an edge


In the alibre Connector sample, (https://support.alibre.com/support/solutions/articles/27000047177-connector), in the second point in "Things to look at:", they say "bottom of the sketch was projected from the top edge of Extrude <1>".

I rarely do this. I usually just draw a line, then make it collinear with the existing edge, letting AD create reference lines. I have noticed, however, that if I make changes to the source feature, quite often (not always) the reference breaks and I have to manually fix it up.

Is this the best practice? That is, to use the "Project to Sketch" tool?

Is the relationship to the source more reliable?



Alibre Super User
The "Project to Sketch" tool does have that "maintain association" feature option as I recall. In my parts, constraints have been enough.

Your intimate knowledge of your workflow and requirements is the best determinant of what works best for you.

Do a trial part that "breaks" your way, then try it with the feature.

In assemblies, I've "projected to sketch" to a part a LOT in the past, but I never maintained association because the assembly "I" used would reposition and the projected feature would regenerate accordingly (and I plotted the relative motion with the sketches projected onto the same feature).

The samples provide great exposure to features, but like the man says, - "there is more than one way to [swing] a cat". As you look through them you will see interesting choices. I hope this helps.

It's a good question and if you post a particular part we'll be glad to kick it around a bit more.