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Reflections on Alibre


Senior Member
Hello everyone,

Having a few minutes I pause to make some considerations that I hope will open a small discussion or at least can be food for thought for some of you.

I discovered Alibre for about a year, after training under the guidance of a young engineering graduate with SW.

Alibre fascinated me right away for the great simplicity and formal organization of the cards, happily related to Excel-like worksheets, which made me appreciate it right away. Professional version then the Expert version because I did not want limitations and be able to make the most of the means made available by this software.

After a short period of initial training, even with the videos made available on the parent company's website, the use of various advice on the Alibre Forum was a must.

I found many teachers who taught me to overcome the small and big obstacles that gradually presented themselves to me. I personally thank IDSLK, NateLiqGrav,HaroldL,DavidJ,Albie,Bigseb,Simonb and how many have devoted a piece of their time to help me in my discovery.

Through Alibre I got to know the basics of the Python language and therefore galaxy after galaxy I soon found myself understanding that from 2D drawing, to 3D drawing to working on three-dimensional parts, to the realization of small programs, in short for the size and quantity of topics covered there will never be a user manual that can explain everything in detail (no program has a really exhaustive manual and that of Alibre has made giant steps towards the best) and I have come to terms with this.

So I asked myself for example referring to the Python implementation: Why not already offer Atom customers a perhaps resized version of the module?

In all Python manuals since the first few manuals, the Turtle library is used to solidify and understand programming concepts that would otherwise be much more complex to memorize, so offering a scaled-down version of AlibreScript in Atom would lead Alibre to become the Turtle 3D (for a fee) that could thrill the many Python adepts.

More beginners, more discussions, more basic videos made available by those who for fun or curiosity would get involved with programming and a well-made program like Alibre for everyone's growth.

I hope I was clear and I expect some consideration on this. I am happy to be able to compare myself with those who want to spend a few minutes of their time.