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reversing top face

Art K

I am working on two parts that are mirror images of each other. I have been focused on one side and working on the CAM setup, ignoring the other side. As I pulled up the other side (it uses the same cutters drills ect.) I realized that the Top face on the side I have been working on is drawn as the Bottom on the opposite side. Is there an easy fix to this? Do I need to redraw it? or can i ignore this mistake.


Alibre Super User
Are the parts exactly mirrored? If so I would model only one of them then create a new configuration (make it active) and then do a scale feature mirror.

Art K

The Side I am working on now has a few extra features the opposite side doesn't. I could try the mirror and then delete the extra stuff.
If you use insert a plane for each of your sketches (something I learned from Big Seb). All you would have to do is move the plane to a new face. I do this religiously now. It has saved me quite a few times.