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Save as To New Vault


Alibre Super User
Is there a way to do a save as to a new Vault?

We are considering updating our part numbering conventions, and I hoping to find out if this is possible before we start.


Staff member
Not sure - M-Files can work across multiple Vaults (though a bit clunky), because GMD makes you nominate the Vault via system options it's likely to be even messier.

Other options to consider -

1. create a 'New style part number' property, and 'Old style part number' property (or something like that) - add these to all items that can legitimately have a part number.

Then (exact order may vary) copy current part number to 'Old Style Part number' using Automatic values - after re-calculation, turn off automatic values for this property.

Set new style part numbers (manually or otherwise).

Copy New Style Part Numbers to standard Part Number property using automatic values - after recalculation turn off automatic values for this property. Finally delete 'New Style Part Number' property from items - select all items and use 'remove values' to remove the corresponding data from all items.

2. You could do something similar using Vault synchronisation, but my feeling is it would be rather more work to do.

When changing Vault always make sure all documents are checked in, all users logged off, and take a back-up before changing anything.


Staff member
Having thought about this again - it is simpler than I thought.

Set GMD to interact with new Vault (I assume a structural copy of the existing one). Manually navigate to old Vault, open desired file - then Save As (should default to new Vault).