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Seize fire processes and recovering operations are ongoing.

Capri RS

The news media, like all businesses, are controlled by profits. The journalists and reporters are people who are not smart enough to be engineers, physicists or other useful occupation. The viewers, like most people, are not deep thinkers. Thus, most "news" consists of ignorant greedy twits broadcasting to ignorant lazy fools.

When the quake and tsunami hit Japan, the media focused quickly on the nuclear plant and used the word "meltdown" in every headline and mentioned "meltdown" every few seconds. There was also liberal use of "radiation". When no meltdown happened and Japan handled their awful crisis with composure and integrity, the media turned elsewhere.

I did not have any concern about a meltdown. The Japanese people are too smart for that. The reactors are well designed and the people who operate them are highly educated.


Senior Member
Capri RS,

Wow! I hope that your intent was not to sound like an academic elitist because that is what your comment brings across.

"The journalists and reporters are people who are not smart enough to be engineers"

You realize that a mathematician could easily come in here with that same attitude and state that "Engineers are just people who are not smart enough to understand real math so they fall back to math-lite and get an Engineering degree."

and then "The reactors are well designed and the people who operate them are highly educated."

A high amount of education has nothing to do with actual intelligence or experience.

Seriously though, was your intent something other than what came out onto the thread? I hope so.

Capri RS

My intent was not to sound elitist. I sincerely apologize if that is how I sound. My intent was to praise the skilled people handling the disaster and ignore those who's only contribution was doomsday scenarios.

I have little patience for the media and their sensationalism. I loathe the bad information, insinuation, and implication.

A high amount of education may have little to do with intelligence, but the smartest man in the world would be useless at a nuclear reactor without serious education.

And, as an engineer, I agree that I am not smart enough to get a math degree. :oops:


Senior Member
Does Japan have a mechanism to objectively assess this nuclear/earth-quake-tsunami disaster?

In Australia, when things go drastically wrong, the government appoints a "Royal Commission" (sometimes forced by public pressure) to independently assess the facts with the full powers of a legal independent court led by a respected judge or lawer.

I am sure other developed democracies have similar mechanisms - does Japan?


Alibre Super User
I would say no.
Because, Japan is under sort of a dictator ship, at least to me, she appears.

It's shame to say so, but she does. With faint taste of freedom you might find.
We are no more than individuals who can stay here and do whatever we want to.
And we never know what the governors are doing under the table to let us be alive.
People are ignorant and that seems to be what the ruling people want.

At least, we learned the lesson, tsunami could be that size, (it should have been without a record.)

Nuclear used fuel should never be kept inside the power reactor's building.

No one can learn anything, unless one makes mistakes.

Practice makes perfect, I guess.

I will simply look forward whatever comes in our future with my best regards they are going to be better.

How do you reckon?


Alibre Super User
I know spas where patients go to heal their diseases with radons, and probably she is exaggerating slightly too much.
But, as the news caster (is he?) debates against says it depends on the way how one expose to the radiation.
One need to have ultraviolet sun light to have vitamin D composed in one's skin.
But the over exposure of the ultraviolet light causes skin cancer.
Same goes with the radio active electro magnetic waves (I believe some are gamma rays at very low energy level.)

And as we all aware, natural radio active sources are in water, food etc, and we have those accumulated in our body, too. But those are what is known as natural radio active materials and measured as the background radiation.

Anyway, GE's Mark 1 has been tested some 40 years acting as power plants, and we are watching if it could hold the field test of one type of disaster. :)