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Sharing Files


Senior Member
Years ago, I use to use FTP to pass files back and forth to clients when working a design.

What do you recommend for doing so now? This would be for native Alibre files, PDF's, etc.



Alibre Super User
Everyone I work with just uses emails now. Storage space and download speeds are not much of an issue anymore. Gmail is the go to for that.

However if you need stricter security them then you will probably want something with end to end encryption and access controls and logging. I think M-Files may sell a version that does that (I don't think the Alibre version has those features). Maybe someone else has a different recommendation for that.
Years ago, I use to use FTP to pass files back and forth to clients when working a design.
What do you recommend for doing so now? This would be for native Alibre files, PDF's, etc.!
Bill -- Using the Create Package works so long as you take certain precautions. A Package file will recreate the Directory/Sub-Directory structure used by the files that creatred it (and this often falls into the bad things category). So, what I do is to create an "Unload" Sub-Directory and perform "a" (often several) "SaveAs" and save all to my "Unload" Sub-Diorectory. The, from the "Unload" Sub-Directory I create my Package files and they will "Un-Package" into a single "Directory."