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Size of Open and Import Icons in Home Window


Alibre Super User
I just downloaded 2012 and can't wait to get started, the previews have looked great, but....

:( I'm disappointed from the start by the continued diminutive size of the Open and Import buttons on the Home window. I say diminutive because the New Part button has 87x more click area than the File Open button, (150 x 150 px vs 16 x 16 px). Being in the minority, I realize many may not share my irritation. After all how many people really reopen files they've created or take more than one session to complete a design?

Previews of the great strides that Alibre has made in the user interface impressed me so much that when I started 2012, I was just caught off-guard by the relativly teeny icons. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if the other buttons weren't so huge by comparison. </grousing>


Alibre Super User
I agree.

And how often have you used "Create BOM" from this menu? ;)

Hopefully the BOM will go away and "Open model" will replace it, but placed to the outer left.


Alibre Super User
I used the Create A BOM button once to see how it worked. Since you can CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS IF NOT EXISTS IF NOT EXISTSs or even manually edit lines in a BOM this Create A BOM button seems redundant.

Seriously though, this Home window sends a message every time it opens; creating new files is more important than editing, continuing, maintaining or importing existing files. It looks like a marketing design, a pleasant GUI aimed at simplifying things for the new user. Those new part/sheetmetal/assembly/drawing buttons are useful, but File Open is used just as much or more on my system.


Alibre Super User

The icon is so small I never use it but go to the file menu (in 2011)
In general I need months to complete a design.
Complicated parts and only limited time each day to work.

I hope that this new UI does more than just take up more valuble space on the screen as it does in MS products.
As my present project is almost finished I am waiting to update for the moment,
will start the next using 2012.



Alibre Super User
I've been using it for a couple days now and the new part/assy GUI is sure different, but I think I'll embrace it once I'm familiar with it.
There's going to be an adjustment period just like I had when AutoCAD went to the icon menu from the text based menus (there's an aged analogy :wink: ).