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Spiral (Circular with a Step) Pattern


Senior Member
Is it possible to do something like this picture in Alibre (without script)? Essentially a circular pattern with a step along the rotation axis.

Or repeat over a path along the face?

I'm at a loss as to how to go about it.



Alibre Super User
Create the center as a part and the "steps" as another. In an assembly constrain the first "step" onto the center and do a circular pattern using the layers properties.



Senior Member
That would work, except I forgot to mention that I want to have a spiral of cuts.

Could I use a Boolean in the assembly to remove rather than add the "step" part?


Alibre Super User
Yep. Create your cut as a tool part. And then do a Boolean Subtract feature while editing the center. Constrain the tool part and circular pattern just like in an assembly.


Alibre Super User
FYI I specifically mentioned to do the boolean feature while editing the center part so that it stays parametric. If you do an assembly boolean feature you get a dumb solid export as a result.


Senior Member
Why are the layer and twist angle fields not available on the feature (noon boolean) circular pattern?


Senior Member
I want to do it in a single part, using a circular pattern of an extruded sketch. I don't want to have to create another part, and I'm wondering if there's a technical reason why the layer and angle aren't available for extruded sketches, or any other set of features for that matter.


Senior Member
Don't you have two parts, "pinn" and "pinn_gross"?

I want to add a hole in the cylinder using a sketch and extrude cut the hole in part "pinn_gross", then use a circular pattern on the extruded hole feature. That works as long as it's only a simple rotation. It doesn't have the layer and twist settings that circular pattern has in an assembly or boolean operation (using another part).

Why not? I can't think of any technical reason why these settings aren't available for a feature only pattern.



Alibre Super User
I thought you don't want to have it in an assembly...
Can't see a reason for this too, but also never needed it.


Alibre Super User
It's not the same, but you can get the result easy in sheet metal
I've drawn only one circle for the cut (and a reference line), the rest was patterned... ;-)



Senior Member
I want a single part file.

It seems like an arbitrary decision to leave out those settings, making it a pain to do with a separate part. Instead of a simple sketch and extrude cut, you have to make a separate "solid" part that represents the "hole" that you want to cut. Since it's a completely separate part, you don't get the benefits of "to next" or "geometry" with a simple extrude cut. You have to shape the "cut" part exactly the way you need it for the boolean subtract.

That's a lot more work for what could be a simple step.


Alibre Super User
Well, as long as i have one tool to do the work, i can do my work...
And in the sample, the "the thin wall tube with holes", i thought it could be done perfect in sheet metal...:)


Senior Member
If it was just a simple tube, that would solve it, but it was more than that. I just gave the portion of the part that was causing a headache.

I'm going to open a support request and see what they say.


Alibre Super User
As long as i can get holes that easy into the tube, it won't cause any headaches at my side...:)