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Splin Trimming... anyone else have speed problems?


Splin Trimming... anyone else have speed problems?

I am working on a file that has a lot of splines in it. I have noticed that I can work on the file with no problems, until I select the Trim tool, then my Alibre slows to a crawl? Is this normal?


Alibre Super User

I did this with a couple of spline sand no problem. Don't guess I have had a chance to do it with many splines though.


Alibre Super User

I tested this by creating 10 Splines, each with 10 control points, and trimming them all to the same line. No problem doing that. I've occasionally had problems with the Trim tool, but nothing that an exit - re-open of the Sketch wouldn't fix.


Re: Crash

brettlong said:
Alibre simply crashes when I try to trim a spline.

So I am not the only one then? What I did was used img2cad to translate an image I had to Alibre (for graphic design purposes).

I used Splines over the imported images (they were too rough) and deleted the original imported images. Now trim some the splines, I have to wait 8 to 43 seconds to have the spline trim. If I decide to minimise alibre and work on other programs (check my e-mail) then the time the program takes is tenfold. You have to keep Alibre as an Active window to keep the progress going.

I am wondering, that since I copy pasted the img2cad dxf to the prt screen (though deleting the data) that there is some residual information still around bogging down the system.