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STEP file not openining

In 2014 I was able to open the files from this site https://www.azcocorp.com/index.php/
They seem to have changed filrs, as file names are different. I can no longer open their step files.
I get the "did not open due to error"
I can't attach a step file, but would like to know if anyone has any luck opening one. The file I need is the GO-80 model


Alibre Super User
Did you try different import settings? That can sometimes cause issues, if you have too many options checked.

If you have Moi then import there and run the naked edges script. 99% sure that is the root of your problems.
Did you try different import settings? That can sometimes cause issues, if you have too many options checked.

If you have Moi then import there and run the naked edges script. 99% sure that is the root of your problems.

Tried a ton of different settings. Don't Have Moi


Alibre Super User
Yeah... that sucks...

I have this occasionally. Its usually due to really bad quality files (completely missing faces for example). See if you can zip it and upload to dropbox that way we can have a look...


Staff member
Issue verified. Simple fix until Alibre hopefully improves imports - open the file in FreeCAD, export as STEP ; then it opens in Alibre.


Alibre Super User
In FreeCAD
Export -> STEP

Now you can open / import the the STEP file with AD V2018.0.1

I can open it in FreeCad and export it as a step, but Alibre won't open the step I exported.
It starts too, the blue progress scale in the lower left get to about 25% then everything stops. Progress scale goes away and nothing happens.