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STL import problems

Dave H

Senior Member
I have an .stl file that imports (it shows in Design Explorer in grey), but nothing shows on the screen. When I try to convert it to a solid it says that operation cannot be done on an open mesh. Would attach a file, but even a zip file is over 3 MB. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

Status shows no errors, mesh location, that it is moveable.

Dave H

Senior Member
Just an add on:
Tried two different stl files from different sources multiple times. One 2 MB, one 4.3MB. Both caused full system crashes each time. Anybody else had any success with stl files??


New Member
I was verifying my own STL files, prior to emailing them to a 3D printing service, and getting slow loading plus strange lockups. I finally used an alternative STL viewer/editor (Meshlab) and recognized multiple (interfering) coincident points, intersecting edges, and open meshes. After editing my native Alibre/GM files and producing new STL output, the STL file loaded as expected.


Alibre Super User
Importing stl's is an issue with GD. Sometimes it works (usually with awful results) and sometimes it doesn't.

If I want to check/look at an stl then I just use Makerbot Desktop. There aren't any options to heal or repair but as a general rule if it doesn't import or gives you errors on slicing then you'll know there's a problem.

That said, stl's generated by GD are spot-on. I have never had any issues with my own stl's and every client/3D printer that has worked with my files says that my GD generated stl's are better quality than from any other software.

Dave H

Senior Member
I have sent my "problem" file to GD support. They can open it fine. There is an open support ticket for it as I type. They asked me to send them a couple of diagnostic files, which I have done. I will see what they come up with

Have already done a full uninstall/reinstall. No help.
Have latest Direct X.