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Text formatting in title block


Senior Member
Text formatting in title block

Hi all,

I'll bet that I get hammered from this one, but here goes:

I am new to AD, and I have created a drawing using the standard ANSI D template -- I will create all new custom templates soon, but I had a couple of drawings that I wanted to create in a hurry so I just used the ANSI D template. I noticed that the text in the title block (containing the standard fields) was quite small, but assumed that I could go back and change it later -- but I guess not (or at least I can't figure out how).

I was able to easily change the text size in dimensions, annotations, section views, etc., but not the title block.

In the mean time, I will just blank out those fields and overlay text boxes to finish the drawing -- and then I will insert my new template after it is complete -- but I thought that I would ask the question in case there is a way that I could not find.

Thanks and Regards,
Greg :D


Alibre Super User

You can put your cursor over the title block symbol and Explode it (and then edit the text). But, you will no longer have a symbol (you may or may not care if you just want a quick fix). But, if you do this from a blank sheet, that way you can make and save a new symbol and replace the std one in your drawing. There is no other way that I know of.


Senior Member

That is as I expected. I am working on custom templates, and will just import them into my drawings when they are complete.

Thanks for the response, John.

Greg :D