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Thread representation


Alibre Super User
Just posting here to see if this is a known issue.

Two holes, created with Hole Tool as the same feature. One goes thru, the other does not. Both are the same #10-32 thread, but are represented differently.>>>>



Alibre Super User
It's a standard texture applied to the surface and scaled. That's why it looks different. There is no geometry error, if that's what you're worried about.


Staff member
What was the depth condition used for the hole? I see the final hole depths are different (presumably due to other features).

I'm guessing the cosmetic pitch would look more alike if holes done as separate features.

The hole callout on 2D drawing may not make sense as the model is currently done.


Alibre Super User
swertel: not concerned about geometry, just noticed that two holes of same thread size "looked" looked different. No geometry concerns.

David: Drawn as blind, one is a blind, the other goes thru into a c'bore. Poor modeling technique I suppose. I should probably correct it. Good catch.


Alibre Super User
Looks to me like the length of the 'thread texture' that has been projected to the inside of the cylindrical hole was created for one of them, then the same texture has been stretched/compressed to be shown in the other over a different length ... so the pitch visibly looks different. i.e. It's a 3D texture shader issue in the rendering code as it's using length/depth of the face to scale the length of the generated texture, instead of being fixed scaling to the size of the texture!

One dev definitely needs to look at!


Staff member
Alibre QA has reviewed this. Looks like this particular scenario wasn't considered when testing an improvement to cosmetic thread display that was introduced recently to address other problem reports. It'll be discussed with Development to look for a way to sort this without messing up the previous fixes.