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unable to install the add on


unable to install the add on

Hi All,

I have brought the Alibre Design Professional and downlooaded from the site.

But I was I unable to install the add-on, like Photorender, FreeMill etc.
when I click add-on, it prompt from CD, which is on the way.

Any advice that I could install thru net ? or should I just wait for the CD to come ?

Thanks alot..



Alibre Super User

I would wait for the CD. If it takes too long to get the CD, then try the downloads (sign in to Alibre's websight and go to support then downloads). If I remember correctly, I did some of the downloads, but when I received the CD I uninstalled and reinstalled the Add Ons. I must of had some issues with the downloaded ones but don't remember if it had to do with the downloads or a license key issue.




Thanks alot, I have log on and downloaded all the add on, but not install yet, as your advice, will wait till the CD is here.

Also, seems like the download does not included the photorendering industrial pack. is that so ?



Add-on DesignCheck

Hi All,

Any one could help to solve the installation probelm on ALGOR Design Check.

I was unable to proceed further thru online registration during the installation, and only could print out the offline registration form.

I have forwarded to both ALGOR and Alibre support, but still awaiting for reply.

In the meantime while waiting, is that any other way to speed up this process ?

I was unable to locate the license.dat file too.
Where can I obtain the License number(ex.AE00000) and password ?
Search high and low the last couple of days but fail.

Thank you and appreciate your help.. need to run ALGOR DesignCheck urgently due to tight schedule.




Regarding Alibre PhotoRender Industrial Pack, it is enabled upon installation of Alibre PhotoRender if you have the correct license key. So you don't have to download a separate installer.