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Upcoming surprise :D


Senior Member
Always possible to use cheap Fusion360, there is lot of different "mechanical mates". Only problem with that one is that you cannot create proper BOM lists and almost none of the attributes are not autopopulating from models to drawings. If you do not need drawings, then the Fusion is good choice.


Alibre Super User
Yeah, but who wants to pay that much money?

The best software enables to design a product, its analysis and optimization with essentials tools in a cheaper way. This new “old” tool is part of the essentials ones for the project process and it must have been present since ADV11.
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Staff member
Well, the install 0f 2019 does not work, so I cannot see the new surprise!
Please see my response to your post and try it. But, as stated in the video, this surprise is not in 2019.0. Next release.


Alibre Super User
I will put in another vote for revolve ratios so my gears will work also. Then my engines will purr!
Hello Bob,

i'm only curious, do i understand this right?
Is it for some kind of animation?
It isn't for the design process itself?



Alibre Super User
Hello Simon,

verify movement limits and interfearence issues
wouldn't it be more helpful to have some kind of "gate shift link motion cam gear" constraint? Don't laugh to much about the comical naming;).
As far as can "easily" calculate a movement with a certain ratio (and make state configurations), i would like to have help from a constraint when i move things with a camfollower or something like this...
So i would vote for a "polyline-constraint". (this does not forbid a ratio constraint...)
