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Using the note icon to add text


Senior Member
I started using v11 today and noticed that AD reverted back to v9 with adding text to a 2d drawing.

In version 10 they made it that as long as you kept the text dialog box open your text size would remain at your last setting, now you must re-enter a text size every time (even if you keep the dialog box open).

Was it changed or did Alibre forget something. I hope that they forgot and will fix with a SP as this has become very annoying again.



Senior Member
I was unable to reproduce this. With the Note dialog box open, I was able to add multiple different notes all while the Note dialog box was up.

Is this what you are trying to do?


Senior Member

Try this:

1)Open the note dialog box in a 2d drawing

2) change the default text size to something different

3) add text and place on drawing by double clicking

4) go back to dialog box. Did the text size remain to what you had set it in step 2 or did it go back to the default size?

In v9 it would change back to the default size. In v10 it would remain at what you changed it to as long as you kept the dialog box open.



Senior Member
Hi Kevin.

I was able to see the change between V10 and V11. I will let the developer know about this so it can be fixed.


Senior Member
Thanks Ron

BTW, something else I noticed was that previous to v11 you could save a part, drawing or assembly file with a "period" or "decimal point" in the file name. Now in v11 if you use them in the file name it stops the name at that point and saves the file. Below is an example.

v10 file name= "3160 INLET PM10 1.0 LPM"

If you try to save with that file name in v11 you get this:

v11 file name= "3160 PM10 1"

It deletes every character from the "decimal point" on. The only way to change it is to use windows explorer to rename the file. After you do this you can then open the file in AD and it will show all charcters.



Senior Member
It looks like it deletes everything after the last "."; ifthe part is named from outside of Alibre then everything stats correct.

If you have a file named test.part.diameter.25 it will end up being test.part.diameter

I will log the defect with our developers.