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v2019 - Ambient Occlusion in Illustration Mode


Alibre Super User
With ambient occlusion on in Illustration mode you seem to get shadows cast by the menu bar and design explorer pane! ...


Also, adding ground shadow shows that the Illustrated part is transparent ...


and turning on the planes and axis, just causes them to be included in the heavier weight model outline ...


and changing the view from Perspective to Orthographic changes the shadows quite a bit (why are the shadows on the perspective view so jaggy and dense?) ...



Alibre Super User
Do you also see sketches in illustration mode are also drawn too thick?
Yes, it seems to treat all items, including sketches, planes, axis, reference lines as part of the model. It really should only use model geometry for this feature!

Kozure Okami

New Member
Plz don't rain on me. How is the occlusion mode enabled? I got the visual style bar on view tab but is disabled as well as illustration view option on Edge and face display.
I just upgraded from an old Alibre version and I am navigating new features. Got Alibre design Expert package.

Thanks in advance
Plz don't rain on me. How is the occlusion mode enabled? I got the visual style bar on view tab but is disabled as well as illustration view option on Edge and face display.
I just upgraded from an old Alibre version and I am navigating new features. Got Alibre design Expert package.

Thanks in advance
I have this same problem in Atom 3D. Kozure Okami, did you get it resolved?



Staff member
This is probably a limitation of HOOPS. If we were to fix it, we would likely just have to disable ground shadows and reference geometry alltogether when wireframe mode is on. Not the fix you may want, but probably the only one that is possible.


Alibre Super User
If we were to fix it, we would likely just have to disable ground shadows and reference geometry alltogether when wireframe mode is on.
Hi @Max, if you look at my original post (and @idslk 's post), you could probably do this, as it's what I have to do manually every time after selecting Illustration Mode to get a clean illustration of the part. It makes no sense to leave them on in this mode anyway.

Don't forget, you would need to restore their state back to what it was prior to Illustration mode if you select another mode ... just so you don't have to go through the reverse manual process of enabling them back on when exiting (if they were enabled before)!

I'd be very happy with this solution and I'm sure others would be too. It would clean up the UI no end!

Edit #1 : Ambient Occlusion could be turned off too as it looks overpowering and pretty bad in Illustration Mode!
Edit #2 : It does on my models, but @idslk 's example above doesn't look too bad.
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