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v23 - Reference button doesn't select the last used reference figure


Alibre Super User
If you try select a previously used reference figure directly using the button above the dropdown, i.e. Circular - Centre, Start, End. Just pressing the button on the ribbon should activate the same tool as last used, but it doesn't ...


You have to use the drop down and select the tool from the child menu item every time!


If anyone is running the beta, can you confirm if this has been fixed in v24 before I raise a ticket. TIA


Alibre Super User
Getting mixed results. Sometimes it works as described above, sometimes it works fine and sometimes the symbol doesn't change with the selected function (i.e. I draw a spline then an arc but it shows the spline symbol while drawing the arc.


Alibre Super User
You know what doesn't hide your most used buttons from you in drop downs or tabs? Custom toolbars.
#JustSaying #TeamToolbars
Yeah I agree, but Team Ribbon just wants it's players to do their job when you want them to! ;):rolleyes:
#GoTeamRibbon :)


Alibre Super User