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Visual Thread Tools

So I know we can create holes/threads with the hole tool, or we can helix them after we draw the profile out of my machinist hand book (this is cumbersome).

What is the reason that we don't just get a visual thread when we use the hole tool?

Its not a real issue but its a hindrance to some design work.

This is just another new user coming from other software question.

Thanks for all the help this forum has provided me!!!!
Eric -- Creating actual "helicaly cut" threads adds complexity to Models and slows their display significantly (not to mention threads that are not 60° V types). What is needed is a display "addendum" that identifies a hole as being threaded!
I understand it adds to the horsepower requirement both video card and processing, but I feel like competitive software has been doing this for at least 5yrs without major headaches. I know many packages do it incorporated into the "hole" feature. I would assume most (>75%) have more than enough PC power to deal with these features.

I guess my struggle with it is when building a complex assembly I often don't remember which holes are threaded when there is many, so some visual 3d way to remind me that these holes are threaded would be useful.

Again its just my wanting to know why and 2C on the topic.


Senior Member
One workaround to this problem is to use feature colors to change the color of the hole as a way to identify them. For example, when designing tooling I might have threaded holes set to brown, reamed holes set to blue and drilled holes set to gray. When there are about 50 holes in a die plate this creates an easy way to identify them at a glance.
Not as fancy as a 3D visual, I know, but better than nothing.


Alibre Super User
One workaround to this problem is to use feature colors to change the color of the hole as a way to identify them. For example, when designing tooling I might have threaded holes set to brown, reamed holes set to blue and drilled holes set to gray. When there are about 50 holes in a die plate this creates an easy way to identify them at a glance.
Not as fancy as a 3D visual, I know, but better than nothing.
I do something similar with my mould designs in that I change the feature colour of the all cooling holes/channels to blue. That way when I change the opacity of a mould plate to say 40% then the cooling features stand out nicely. Yet in all the years it never occurred to me to extend that concept to help differentiate between drilled/reamed/tapped holes...


Senior Member
It would be nice to be able to set the feature color right from the hole dialog (or extrusion, revolve.. etc. for that matter.). Would save time if there a lot of features to color.


Alibre Super User
Is Alibre listening....... this would be a very cool feature!!!!!! :)

I'm sure if someone added it to the suggestions rather than just a topic conversation, it will be in the system for Max and the boys to review and schedule into the development plan!


I moved to Fusion360 after the Geomagic debacle. I'm using Alibre again! Fusion360 has a nice and easy thread tool that gives you the option to make the threads modeled. I put in a suggestion for a similar tool. Easy modeled threads are nice to have....


Staff member
Is Alibre listening....... this would be a very cool feature!!!!!

Yes :)

Is the ask here:

Make an option to auto-set the feature color of holes to X color or, more flexibly, allow definition of color by hole type?


Senior Member
My request was more along the lines of being able to go directly to the feature color properties dialog box from within the hole dialog. See the pic below for an idea on what I mean.

Feature Color.png

Having the feature auto set to a predefined color would not be very flexible IMO. I'm somewhat color blind so certain colors are hard for me to differentiate between, so I might have to change the hole colors depending on what the base part color is.

Currently the only way to change the hole color is to > create the hole > right click on feature in design explorer > select feature color > change color. My example above would eliminate some of the mouse clicks needed. This can add quite some time if there are lots of features to color. This same "feature color button" (or whatever it's called) could be added to all other feature (extrude , revolve, etc...) dialogs to save time changing those feature colors as well.


Staff member
By "Predefined" I meant user-specified, for example in System Options. I understand what you're after here. Thanks! Can you please use the Request a Feature button and enter it in?