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Welded sheet metal parts


Hi, What is the best way to approach this?
I have a part (say a brick shape) which is modelled, corners radiussed, and shelled so that it now represents a sheet metal box that has the corners welded and ground smooth;- all well and good for the assembly and presentation drawings etc.
Now if I want to turn this into a sheet metal part, what happens to the original 'welded up' model in the assembly? Does it change to a folded s/m part with visible seams?
If so how is the best way to organise this. In other words I want to keep the original model, but also have s/m drawings for it's manufacture.
Thanks in advance, Mark


Staff member
Use the 'convert to sheet metal' function in Geomagic Design - it will produce a separate sheet metal (flattenable) part from your original.


Thanks David. So the original model stays intact in the assembly, and a new sheet metal part is created. From this I can produce the flattened drawing.
If I modify the part on the sheet metal model, will the assembly & drawing update? Are all 3 still linked?


Staff member
Just tried it here - the converted to sheet metal part remains linked to the original solid for a simple conversion, and does update if the original is edited.


Thanks David, Some of us still working on a Saturday! Yes that does work, although (I think) you need to actually close the part before it updates.
Another sheet metal query; Is there a way of getting the material thickness parameter into the drawing sheet? I am using M files, with custom drawing sheets. I have the material appearing on the sheet as set in the properties, but would like the thickness to automatically show on the drawing (for the laser cutting merchants) - is this feasible?