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Where Parts are Used

Evening all,
Is there an easy way to find out which assemblies a part is used on without resorting to Vault, which I assume would tell me.
It's not that I have anything against Vault, I just don't want to re-write my company's D.O. procedures to document it's use. Plus, I would have to learn how to use it first. :D
Walter Mcleod


Alibre Super User
The simple answer is No, there is no easy way to do this. It is possible to establish what parts are used within an assembly, but I can't see any foolproof way of going the other way.


Staff member
"Relationships" within Vault does achieve this - though I have noticed occasional problems with this not always populating correctly (hopefully resolved in 12.1).


Alibre Super User
You have to right-click on each assembly file and use the "Constituents" option on the pop-up for each assembly.