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windows 11 and A;ibre (V24)


Senior Member
does windows 11 play well with alibre ?
I just upgaded to V24 and am still have windows 10
severa tech friends advise against going to windows 11 right now 1/13/22
just wondering if v24 would or would no be a reason to wait


Senior Member
Hi wilwood58,
I have the V23 but in my opinion I have noticed significant improvements with Alibre on Win 11 ... This is my personal consideration but I hope it will help you! Then as always we must always consider if the hardware is compatible with a gearbox that support software enhancements. But that's another story.


Alibre Super User
Max, the Alibre CEO runs it on Win11 (judging by his recent posts), so I'm sure if v24 has seen any compatibility issues, the Alibre team will be on the case pretty quick to resolve it!


Windows 11 ist für mich extrem stabil. Ich benutze Alibre in V24. Alibre läuft auch schnell und stabil für mich.