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Working in Detailed Drawing Section


Senior Member
While working in the drawing section and using Layers. When I am working in a 'dimension' layer, I draw a circle and then use the dimension tab to add the dimensions. Why do the dimensions all disappear? Shouldn't all the dimensions be visible when I choose to make that layer 'active'?


Alibre Super User
Try not worrying about layers, I think they automatically get put on the right layer. Just click dimensions and do it.


Alibre Super User
Alibre Design's Drawing workspace has two current layer selection boxes and automatically applies the right one depending on if you are drawing or dimensioning. If your dimensions aren't showing it is possible your dimension layer isn't checked to be Visible or the color is set to white or I seem to remember there is a toggle for displaying annotations/dimensions in the view menu - but maybe that's only in 3D workspaces.
