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Would anyone care if we removed this...

We actually decided to remove both the ribbon and the menu. We're moving to a new voice-prompt system. You address it similarly to Alexa. For example, "Alibre, extrude sketch four two point three seven five millimeters minus D seven along the y axis in the positive direction." It should make everyone happy. Old menu commands will be accesible via the Left CTRL+Escape+F12+Right Shift + H precursor for maximum convenience.

Should have saved it for April 1. Oh well :D

This is a terrible idea, with my luck I would cough and Alexa would think I said delete all....


Alibre Super User
We actually decided to remove both the ribbon and the menu. We're moving to a new voice-prompt system. You address it similarly to Alexa. For example, "Alibre, extrude sketch four two point three seven five millimeters minus D seven along the y axis in the positive direction." It should make everyone happy. Old menu commands will be accesible via the Left CTRL+Escape+F12+Right Shift + H precursor for maximum convenience.

Should have saved it for April 1. Oh well :D
Sneak peak of the next version in use: https://bit.ly/2T1LIyZ


Senior Member
We actually decided to remove both the ribbon and the menu. We're moving to a new voice-prompt system. You address it similarly to Alexa. For example, "Alibre, extrude sketch four two point three seven five millimeters minus D seven along the y axis in the positive direction." It should make everyone happy. Old menu commands will be accesible via the Left CTRL+Escape+F12+Right Shift + H precursor for maximum convenience.

Should have saved it for April 1. Oh well :D

I hope this is a joke, no way am I talking to my computer. I hate any voice activation technology and I do use the split view tabs and the ribbon.


Alibre Super User
While we're at it - what about (from the ribbon):

1) Selection Filters
2) Notes in 3D models
3) Redlines in 3D models

same thing - would have in menu but not exposed in ribbon

FWIW I don't use 1 or 3 but I do use Redline Notes quite often.


Alibre Super User
I don't use the ribbon at all and I use the menus and toolbars extensively. Love those customizable

We actually decided to remove both the ribbon and the menu. We're moving to a new voice-prompt system. You address it similarly to Alexa. For example, "Alibre, extrude sketch four two point three seven five millimeters minus D seven along the y axis in the positive direction." It should make everyone happy. Old menu commands will be accesible via the Left CTRL+Escape+F12+Right Shift + H precursor for maximum convenience.

Should have saved it for April 1. Oh well :D

You jest, but hold on to your seat. ;)


Staff member
Just to put people at ease - we are not talking about removing the ribbon or the menus...just specific buttons on the ribbon (but leaving them in the menu).

And we are dead serious about joking about voice activated Alibre Design!


New Member
Don't use the ribbon or any of the icons shown.
I would prefer to have more customization of the "Sketching pop up menu"


Alibre Super User
1) Selection Filters
It doesn't happen often, but I do use them at times when I have problems selecting a certain "thing".
On the other hand I tried the ribbon and decided that words are easier to understand than all those little pictures of who knows what.
No more ribbon for me, thank you.


As a Not Daily User I like the ribbon therefore in my opinion Every available Function should have a representation.
I dont like it to search in some „Hidden Locations“ if a usefull function is available.
if there is no other way Include something like a toggle switch „reduced / all“, please.



Senior Member
View attachment 27223

Thinking about some UI cleanup. Does anyone use these?

They would still be available in the menu, just not the ribbon.
I would love to keep the split window. The times I use it are usually when my brain is already focusing on some aspect of the design and want to split the view to improve the viewing -- not having to navigate the menu means less chance of losing my mental place. Move/rotate/zoom I can do with the mouse. Home, I can do via the taskbar. Arrange windows -- I never use that.