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Recent content by kchansen

  1. K

    DA API Bugs: IADSketchFigures.AddBspline

    Reviewing the documentation (and samples) for IADSketchBspline.GetBsplineData, it appears that the only spline support is for control-node based spline entry. Is there any way to enter points in the "Interpolated Points" mode the way the user interfaces permits? Or to retrieve the spline...
  2. K

    DA API Bugs: IADSketchFigures.AddBspline

    DA API Bugs: IADSketchFigures.AddBspline Documentation shows prototype of AddBspline function as: Function AddBspline(ByVal order As Integer, ByVal numCtlPoints As Integer, ByRef pCtlPoints() As Double, ByRef pKnotVector() As Double, ByRef pWeights() As Double) As...