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  1. F

    Anyone using Atom3D Creating a Loft with Center Line Guide

    Hello! Is there a way to get the reference point of a center line for loft in Atom3D? I'm watching this video tutorial and seems pretty straight forward but I cannot see a x reference point of the center line so I can connect it to the sketch for creating a loft. How do I go about doing this in...
  2. F

    Global Parameters in Atom3D

    Hello! I'm creating a project with multiple parts and wanted to create a global parameters so I can reuse parameters in each parts. Is it something possible in Atom3D version? When I tried to select global parameters in the dropdown and then define my parameters, after clicking OK all the values...
  3. F

    Creating an Arch Inside a Rectangle Causes Sketch Is Not Closed Error

    Hello! New to Alibre Atom3D and I'm trying to create a simplerectangle with rounded top corner. So I created a rectangle then arc in the left corner. When I exit sketch I get an error "sketch is not closed" error. I zoomed in the ends of arch and it is constraints to the rectangle line. I also...