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  1. voxelman

    Helical Boss gives unexpected SWEEP_SELF_INT error

    I'm attempting to model a simple spring with closed ends. Even after making adjustments to the start and end condition settings I still get a Self Intersecting Surface error. If I change the closed spring from Flat to Natural settings no error but not what I want. Any suggestions are greatly...
  2. voxelman

    Where is the reference that explains errors

    Most of the time I'm able to figure out what the rather unintelligible error descriptions mean. But some of the time they completely escape me. Is there an error reference that explains the various error messages, the specifics of what causes the error and how to fix it?
  3. voxelman

    Specifying Keyshot Materials in Alibre

    Does anyone know if it's possible to specify Keyshot materials in Alibre? I have Alibre Expert and the full up version of Keyshot with animation. It's a real drag to have to re-specify all of the Keyshot materials every time I make a change to the Alibre parts.
  4. voxelman

    Drawing flips on update after change to 3D sheet metal part

    After making several changes to a sheet metal part I re-entered the 2D drawing. I am used to doing this and getting the "Reproject Views" dialog. However, whether I select "Precise Views" or "Retain View Mode" the drawing flips top to bottom. The changes that I made to the part didn't involve...
  5. voxelman

    Problem with loft cut, section view and extrude cut

    The attached file contains an example of a problem that I have been having with the loft cut feature in Alibre Design Version 14,0,3,14053, 64-bit. The part is a mold for encapsulating an electronic assembly. I have attempted to build this part several ways that will allow me to show section...
  6. voxelman

    Added a 1080p monitor and changes got very slow

    Hardware: 17 920@2.67GHz, 12GB RAM, Samsung 1080p DVI, Samsung 1600X1200 DVI, Nvidia Geforce GTX 280 After adding the 1080p monitor changes to my model are greeted with several seconds or more of spinner. This doesn't occur when I have only the 1600X1200 monitor attached and i'm not seeing it...
  7. voxelman

    How do I change the licensed vault user?

    When I started using Alibre Vault my user account on the target machine was local\auser because of the work involved in migrating all of my work from an old workstation. Now that I have completed the migration I want to change the license from local\auser to domain\auser. I have created both...
  8. voxelman

    How do I constrain a sphere to a hole

    How do I get a sphere to sit in a hole that is smaller than the diameter of the sphere? When I attempt to use the contrain tool, selecting the edge of the hole and the surface of the sphere, the only options are Align and Orient and they leave the sphere suspended above the hole.
  9. voxelman

    Exported AutoCAD prints drawing as faint gray

    Exported AutoCAD prints drawing as faint gray I'm sending my machinist drawings in AutoCAD 2000 dwg. When he prints the drawings the dimensions are black but the part lines are a very faint gray. He's using a lexmark printer. Anyone know how to fix this?
  10. voxelman

    Drawing and Part have lost sync/link

    Drawing and Part have lost sync/link I have a part that I created a drawing from. The part has been through many edits and the drawing has been updated several times. The last time that I loaded the drawing after changes to the part I wasn't prompted about updating the...
  11. voxelman

    Workspace zoom issue

    Workspace zoom issue When I zoom the workspace I can't pan to all of my part. Is this a function of my property settings, option settings, a limitation of Alibre or my graphics card? Does anyone have any suggestions for solutions other than moving the...
  12. voxelman

    Problem removing assembly constraints

    Problem removing assembly constraints Has anyone else seen the following problem? I wanted to reposition a constrained part. I went to the Design Explorer and in the tree of the part I wanted to reposition I removed the single constraint displayed. When I tried to move...