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Drawing hatch infill doesn't like some shapes?


Alibre Super User
Is there a solution for this? Is it a bug, or something I'm going to have to accept as normal?



Senior Member
Also came up a couple of months ago:-

Don't know if they raised a ticket or not, so might be worth adding a reference to that posting, on your ticket.


Alibre Super User
Too late. I already submitted the ticket.

I'm using v25 beta still, so used the report function in beta. Once v25 is released and I have it installed, Ill check and see if the bug is still there and report it again.


Senior Member
I know that in my past life in using AutoCAD and Anvil ( I know I'm old) the hatch boundry lines had to be selected in a certain direction. Such as CW or CCW. You might give that a try and see it makes a difference.


Staff member
This is already logged with Development - trying to hatch text shows the issue, as do shapes as reported above. I understand that a solution may be reliant upon one of our technology partners.