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GM Version 16?


Senior Member
so its basically stripping off whatever you had?

let me just get a grasp of the whole situation, I lose all my benefits with this so-called 'update'?

So I'm using Expert, I'll be downgraded to nothing?


Alibre Super User
Szumi said:
Asking a question about today's email got my thread locked. My only thread that ever has been locked. I see the writing on the wall clearly.

That's ridiculous. I locked your thread because we just don't need several threads on the same topic at the same time. Its best to keep all the information in one place.


Staff member
AndrewTing said:
so its basically stripping off whatever you had?

let me just get a grasp of the whole situation, I lose all my benefits with this so-called 'update'?

So I'm using Expert, I'll be downgraded to nothing?

Not quite sure what gives you these ideas. You can carry on using your current version with the legacy licensing system, or move to the new version with the new licensing activation mechanism.


wildwood58 said:
I read the end user agreement, it says perpetual unless you have a 30 or 90 day trial
And what is the problem with the software "phoning home"...
A software phoning home is not perpetual. It is alive only as long as the company behind it keeps the servers running.

Geomagic does not share its financials or long term plans with me so I can't comment on them specifically, but just last week I turned down an opportunity to invest into another 3D printer company. That market is so turbulent and full of unknown players that I have no trust that any company in that market will be around a few years from now. Sure, several of them will, but I have zero confidence of any one particular.

In other words, I won't touch the new version. That is because I am not confident that Geomagic (or any other company, for that matter) can keep their servers running ten years from now. Ten years is not that long for a software these days: Only a few weeks ago I ditched 13 year old operating system, and that only because the hardware it was running on failed.

And if you think that there would be a new release to change the licensing in the turmoil of a falling company, you live in another world than I am.


Alibre Super User
okay, I've had a change of heart. I've seen worse takeovers of companies, I've been in worse takeovers of companies. Geo magic, as part of the 3D Systems has been fairly accommodating to me as a user.
My new thought on this is if I have to invest extra money to maintain the system that I have or improve it, I'll likely try and convince my boss to do that. My alternative at this point would be SolidWorks and I know I could not secure that amount of funding for a new CAD system, (Let alone the massive amount of time to translate files).
To avoid stressing out on this I'm just going forward as if this is a new software package.
Best of luck to everyone.


Senior Member
I guess short of calling 3DS to get the "real" interpretation. What does this statement copied from the user agreement mean:

For licenses granted for Commercial, Educational or Viewing Use, the default term is perpetual. For licenses granted for Trial Use or Business Partner Use, the default terms are thirty (30) and ninety (90) days respectively.

I'm a "for personal use" i.e. hobby type guy using the software. Where do I fit into this? I still haven't seen a good explanation as to whether the new software is going to work FOREVER and without the existence of the company 3DS. (or no connection to it)
For now I'm holding off on the new software. I don't want to be "renting" software. Heck, I'm still using Office 2003 and I'm happy with it since I paid about $500 back when it was new. That's how I work. I buy it and use it. I haven't "rented" anything since I moved out of an apartment to a house 30 years ago. I'm pretty happy with the 2014 version. I've paid enough on promises of improvements over the years to get this far. Lots of features added that I don't use and too many basic bugs that have gone un-resolved.

I'll stick.

I guess I'll have to call to get the interpretation from the source. To bad someone from 3DS hasn't piped up here.



Alibre Super User
dsage said:
I guess short of calling 3DS to get the "real" interpretation. What does this statement copied from the user agreement mean:

For licenses granted for Commercial, Educational or Viewing Use, the default term is perpetual. For licenses granted for Trial Use or Business Partner Use, the default terms are thirty (30) and ninety (90) days respectively.

I'm a "for personal use" i.e. hobby type guy using the software. Where do I fit into this?

IMO you are "commercial" because you bought a license from 3DS that allows commercial usage.



Alibre Super User
dsage said:
I guess short of calling 3DS to get the "real" interpretation. What does this statement copied from the user agreement mean:

For licenses granted for Commercial, Educational or Viewing Use, the default term is perpetual. For licenses granted for Trial Use or Business Partner Use, the default terms are thirty (30) and ninety (90) days respectively.

I'm a "for personal use" i.e. hobby type guy using the software. Where do I fit into this? I still haven't seen a good explanation as to whether the new software is going to work FOREVER and without the existence of the company 3DS. (or no connection to it)
For now I'm holding off on the new software. I don't want to be "renting" software. Heck, I'm still using Office 2003 and I'm happy with it since I paid about $500 back when it was new. That's how I work. I buy it and use it. I haven't "rented" anything since I moved out of an apartment to a house 30 years ago. I'm pretty happy with the 2014 version. I've paid enough on promises of improvements over the years to get this far. Lots of features added that I don't use and too many basic bugs that have gone un-resolved.

I'll stick.

I guess I'll have to call to get the interpretation from the source. To bad someone from 3DS hasn't piped up here.


Yours is commercial.


Senior Member
Is this really a major update or a dot release? When I look at what's new pdf it does not come close to what some said that sales or some inside person at 3DS told them about dramatic changes coming with the next update. I'm thinking this was more about the new licence policy and nothing else. Any one else have any ideas?


New Member
After 7 years here, my first post (hi guys, anyway): I'm sick of this. For years I've been faithfully waiting for at least 64-bit PartLibrary. I've got a new licensing model instead. I regret I've been paying for so long. Poor, stuipid, naive guy.

Your Products
Geomagic Design Expert 15.0, plus: DesignCheck, Alibre Motion, PhotoRender, FreeMill, Local Repository, KeyShot for Alibre Basic
Your Subscription Service Information
Subscription Service Expiration Date: 1/10/2015

Guess which of my addons are still usable. The good news is I'm not going to pay them a penny more. It takes years to win a customer and only seconds to lose one. Felt freed, wow.


Alibre Super User
"Along with the changes to licensing, we are also excited to announce the addition of these new features!"

But Wait...there's more....

Printability: Geomagic Design can analyze the printability of models based on the target printer and material. Users can determine printability problems up front during the design process allowing them to catch mistakes that are costly in time or money and to ensure printability.
Sense Integration: Geomagic Design will now allow you to scan start a scan using Sense 3D hardware and software to import data directly into Geomagic Design.
TeamPlatform Integration: Geomagic Design is now integrated with our cloud-based collaboration tool, TeamPlatform. The integrated experience will allow you to upload models directly into the cloud, share them and be able to viewed without the need of proprietary software, and collaborate with other team members using project management tools and pages.
Mesh Support: Geomagic Design now supports importing and solidification of mesh files for use as a reference or in actual modeling. This will make using mesh files such as scans or downloads easier to modify or incorporate into their work.

Is it just me or are the above useful exclusively to 3D printing operations...

Can someone that has actually installed this weigh in on whats new? (other than the above)

GEOMAGIC Now would be a good time to step up and say something....anything


Staff member
Jimpulse said:
Is it just me or are the above useful exclusively to 3D printing operations...

Well scanning isn't exclusive to 3D printing. A generally useful reverse engineering tool. Or scan the space space your design has to fit in.

Mesh imports does include STL files, but also files from a range of non-CAD 3D applications, and data from scanners other than the 'Sense'.

Team Platform - nothing to do with 3D printing at all. Data sharing / viewing collaboration.

Not sure how much of these I'll actually use - but NO not solely 3D printing related

[EDIT - also a few bug fixes ].


Senior Member
Jimpulse said:
"Can someone that has actually installed this weigh in on whats new? (other than the above)

GEOMAGIC Now would be a good time to step up and say something....anything

That's not going to happen. :cry:


Senior Member
My two cents.
I asked for and received a quick response from Geo sales about licensing and whether I'd lose my
3 installations (down from 5). It appears that I will have the 3 installations and an easier time
switching to new PC's as the need arises.
The software downloaded,installed and licensed in about 10 minutes start to finish. It's running
and so far no glitches. I'll have an online seminar using it to demo a design with it in a few minutes.
I would still be using my $99.00 Generic Cad today if the world of software hadn't changed.
I would still be using my $150.00 Word Perfect suite if the world of software hadn't changed.
In fact my Eagle portable computer running DOS 2.9 with the huge 10 Meg hard drive with dual 8" floppies
was truly amazing, unfortunately the CEO was killed in his Ferrari the day the company went public and
that was the end of Eagle.
I have hammers and wrenches I bought in the 60's and they still function perfectly today. Computers and software on
the other hand has been a constant "Sky is falling" irritation. I suspect Alibre/Geo will one day follow
the lead of every other failed software company. Today it is alive and working. Enjoy it and use the
hell out of it.


Senior Member
Well I hope you're right about the definition of "Commercial" because the agreement does say that commercial is if you're using it to make money. I guess I don't fit into any of the other definitions properly either. So commercial is probably the best fit.
In any case, what is the new definition of perpetual. Does that mean for as long as it can call home an re-activate itself?
Or is it going to work like old school software where I can turn the computer on and use it long after 3DS is gone. If not then it's rented software to me.
I assume the 2014 version is my definition of perpetual but I couldn't say for sure because I've always had support. I guess time will tell if I upgrade and don't renew my support next year.

What about the latest motion add-on which I just purchased?



Alibre Super User
Haven't had a chance yet (got five line launches going on-- simultaneously).

If I get a moment this afternoon, I'll give it a whirl.


Senior Member
Does the M-Files Vault (Alibre Ver) work with this new Version of GeoMagic. I did not see it on the 3DS Add-On page as a download.



Staff member
I've upgraded one PC to v16. Will likely do the main PC in next day or two. No serious work with it yet.

M-Files works fine with new build - some problems with erroneous check-out resolved. Not M-Files 10 compatible yet.

I've pointed out that it's missing as a download.