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Titles for Bill of Materials


New Member
Gidday everyone, hopefully someone can help me out with this little challenge

I use Alibre every day in a sheet metal manufacturing business, we have lots of assemblies and, subsequently, lots of bills of materials.

The issue is that the BOM that Alibre spits out has no title block or identifying information, just a list of parts. Which is fine for the design team who know what things are, but not for the boys on the floor who want a quick way of identifying parts and assemblies.

Is there any way we can insert a title block in to a bill of material? Ideally something with the assembly name, a revision number and date. I know that we can export the BOM to excel and add a title that way but I'd love to do everything within Alibre if possible

Thanks in advanced for your ideas
Gidday everyone, hopefully someone can help me out with this little challenge
One very real point is that the Bill of Materials approach was created for architects rather than people who have to track materials, their purchase, certifications, and their usage! My recommendation is to use (as much as you can) of Bill of Materials output to create (using a spreadsheet program) a Parts List for each Project and to follow the (now discontinued) MIL-Q-9858 system. It worked very well for more than 60 years until the "MBA-types" exchanged it for stinking crap!


New Member
Thanks Lew, I figured as much

Will have a dig around for the appropriate AS/NZS standard, if there is one!
Will have a dig around for the appropriate AS/NZS standard, if there is one!
I have been working on a Parts List approach and document, but it is a long way from being "complete" to any real degree. I would be happy to share what little I have accomplished with you should you like. (tangent@olympus.net)