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  1. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    Thanks so much!! In the end, I was able to use the SVG file exported by Atom3D. I did end up first editing the text-based SVG file from Atom3D, increasing the stroke-width="0.0529167" to "1.0" (mm, I think). Then did a File->Import in Inkscape, then went to File->Document Properties and...
  2. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    Thanks for downloading my ZIP and testing in Inkscape! For some reason the 3 arcs show as rectangular areas, but I'll get Inkscape and try it since it's free...
  3. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    Close, but it’s missing all the arcs on both sides…
  4. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    Yes, someone else mentioned Inkscape too, so I’ll try that first… Tks
  5. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    Thanks! I’ll have to try out that software, which is very affordable at $70 I’m guessing lines drawn in Alibre sketches default to very thin (.1 pt) - I wonder if there’s a way to make them export wider in SVG ?
  6. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    While my imported SVG initially appears empty in my Snapmaker's Luban (laser) software, if I start playing with Luban's Vector Tool, I can see my line art, albeit with elements placed incorrectly. Must be lots of subtleties in how SVG files get exported/imported. I'm tempted to just draw...
  7. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    I was confused why the System Options->Parts/Assemblies->Sketching lists some items in inches, other in mm... Any other CAD software I've used would display these options, all in the default (inches or mm) setting...
  8. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    I'll have to read up on this more... Tks! BUT seeing as I have 3 cribbage boards I need to laser engrave for Xmas gifts, I'm hoping to figure out why the exported SVG does not display anything in programs like Luban or browsers... It took some time to sketch the lines and arcs... Thinking...
  9. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    Actually, my Atom3D sketches are in inches. It's only when I export to STL that I choose mm - since that's what my Snapmaker scale is...
  10. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    This is a tad over my head :) how would I create the 2D drawing of the part (cribbage board)? Using Atom3D? If yes, what tool? I did a search for "sketch in view" in Alibre help docs, but it didn't find any match... As for the SVG exported by Atom3D - thanks for confirming it can be...
  11. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    I’m sensing no software can make sense of the SVG created by Atom3D… Is my method of using the Sketch Tool to create this 2D drawing an incorrect approach? Does the SVG export process care that the sketch isn’t “closed”? Exporting did not display any errors… Maybe changing the color of the...
  12. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    Yes, the file exported by Atom3D seems invalid - at least to my laser design software and browsers like Edge and Firefox…
  13. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    And I am attaching the exported SVG (in a ZIP file) from Atom3D in case anyone might have some graphics software that is better suited for opening SVG files and can take a peek... Tks!
  14. R

    Atom3D: best way to export some line graphics for importing into my laser?

    So I have a cribbage board designed in Atom3D. It milled just perfectly on my 3-n-1 Snapmaker A350's CNC. The last thing I want to do is laser etch some simple line graphics on to the board. I probably went about it the wrong way when I simply activated Sketch mode and drew a bunch of lines...
  15. R

    How to change Z of bottom most object to be the new zero?

    I think my problem was that the MeshCAM file format I saved my project to was not compatible with my Marlin-based Snapmaker machine. Changed file format from MACH3 to TURBOCNC V3 and it milled perfectly. I would have thought MeshCAM and Alibre would have accumulated a database of what file...
  16. R

    MeshCAM Pro - what file format should I use to generate g-code for Snapmaker A350?

    I have had success today with MeshCAM generated g-code running on my Snapmaker. I changed the MeshCAM file type from MACH3 to TURBOCNC V3 and so far my machine is milling my design as expected…
  17. R

    MeshCAM Pro - what file format should I use to generate g-code for Snapmaker A350?

    Just looked at that GitHub link, but I don’t see any mention of MeshCAM
  18. R

    MeshCAM Pro - what file format should I use to generate g-code for Snapmaker A350?

    Thanks! Being a total MCP newbie, this post processor stuff is over my head :). I‘m guessing that MCP allows you to tack on some sort of third party processing code? I did send an email to MC’s support, so hopefully they have instructions for newbies using a Snapmaker… Oh, I do see your...
  19. R

    MeshCAM Pro - what file format should I use to generate g-code for Snapmaker A350?

    I just started using MeshCAM Pro after purchasing it a year ago. Trying to figure out while file format to choose after clicking on [Show Toolpaths]->[Save Current Setup] to generate the machine g-code for my Snapmaker A350 3-in1 machine. Below is a screenshot of the list of file types...