Hello Everyone,
I am new to Alibre so maybe I am missing something. I have 2 installations of Allibre.
One is originally v24 upgraded automatically to 26, the second one is a fresh v26 install.
I have a question regarding real time dimensioning while drawing a line.
On the upgraded verions TAB key switches between edit boxes without locking the values. Values are lock upon edit. This is how it works i.e. in Fusion 360 and is the desired behavior.
While on fresh install of v26 hitting TAB key is instantly locking both 2 edit boxes which is quote painful. It works the same with Atom 3D 26.
Uninstalling v26, installing 24 and upgrading do not help. It works only if v24 is installed first on a fresh system that never before v26.
I guess this is a matter of some "deep hidden" preferences that are imported from v24 and that are not get deleted or upgraded upon deinstallation or reinstallation.
Maybe someone else experience this problem already and have a fix for that.
Please see the videos I have recorded showing the difference in behavior.
Thank you in advance for any support.
It seems I can attach only pictures not videos but if necessary I can share screencasts I have recorded to show the difference in those two setups.
Kind regards,
I am new to Alibre so maybe I am missing something. I have 2 installations of Allibre.
One is originally v24 upgraded automatically to 26, the second one is a fresh v26 install.
I have a question regarding real time dimensioning while drawing a line.
On the upgraded verions TAB key switches between edit boxes without locking the values. Values are lock upon edit. This is how it works i.e. in Fusion 360 and is the desired behavior.
While on fresh install of v26 hitting TAB key is instantly locking both 2 edit boxes which is quote painful. It works the same with Atom 3D 26.
Uninstalling v26, installing 24 and upgrading do not help. It works only if v24 is installed first on a fresh system that never before v26.
I guess this is a matter of some "deep hidden" preferences that are imported from v24 and that are not get deleted or upgraded upon deinstallation or reinstallation.
Maybe someone else experience this problem already and have a fix for that.
Please see the videos I have recorded showing the difference in behavior.
Thank you in advance for any support.
It seems I can attach only pictures not videos but if necessary I can share screencasts I have recorded to show the difference in those two setups.
Kind regards,