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  1. V

    When is Alibre Script (Python 2.7) getting a update?

    I really like the alibre script functionallity, but it looks like it is not maintained. It is still running Python 2.7.10, which was realeased in 2015. There have been some major updates that are not supported in the older version. Also, it would be great if "numpy" functions could be...
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    Lofted path with guide curves generates s-shape

    Update: Still cannot connect the 4 guide curve by shortest distance in Alibre v24. I was hoping I could create this with the updated loft feature.
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    Loft Guide Curve Surface Distortion

    I have the same problem, I saw that they are working on the loft feature for v24: https://www.alibreforum.com/forum/index.php?threads/a-little-preview-of-v24.22788/ Ruled loft could maybe solve this issue..
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    Lofted path with guide curves generates s-shape

    Update, I tried creating a solid in SALOME (open-source) and I finally got what I wanted...created surfaces using filling between the guide curves. If this would somehow also be possible with alibre script...
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    Lofted path with guide curves generates s-shape

    I don't see a problem with large number of nodes, I tested it with fewer nodes, 25 instead of 100, and the result was similar but with a minor reduction in accuracy of the guide. I checked if nodes between guide curves are connected, also no straight line here (small error again).
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    Lofted path with guide curves generates s-shape

    I have uploaded an example.
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    Lofted path with guide curves generates s-shape

    I created 4 guide curves and 2 profiles to generate a loft, the result is correct at the guide curves but creates a S-shape in between. The different options in the loft feature have no effect. Is there a way to get the result shown in green? PS: I started with a sweep which did not give the...
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    How to create SweepBoss

    Hello, In this example: https://support.alibre.com/support/solutions/articles/27000049682-profile-and-sweep-path a profile and path is created, but how do I sweep add a sweep feature in the script? (Already found the solution) Solution add line...
  9. V

    Breaking scripts into reusable classes

    If I want to define a specific polyline in alibre script, I construct the list of points first in python spyder. So I can see the variables, use plot and debug more quickly. Of course alibre functions do not work in python, but i put these at the end of my script later. (custom) function can be...
  10. V

    The most important thing in script when doing math.

    Just put: "import math" at the top of your script. to use al kinds of math functions, e.g., math.cos(x) https://docs.python.org/3/library/math.html (it would be helpfull if the use numpy could be employed in the future)
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    How to read mass? [fixed]

    I found out that if the material density has a comma, it is handled as a dot, for alloy steel it results in a 10x mass increase. Carbon steel(0.40% C) does not have a comma and works correctly. [EDIT by Alibre - QA/Development notified - issue logged. ]
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    Fuzzy looking lines and text (2019 version)

    The fuzzy look in 2d drawings is a minor issue. However, when exporting a drawing to pdf I expect to see vectors. Problem shown in attachment. Currently using legacy display for 2d drawing to get disered results. I haven't tried the beta software. When I do a google search on vectors and...
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    Missing system option PDF writers

    Ok thanks
  14. V

    Missing system option PDF writers

    Am I the only one missing the PDF section under System options - Drawings? (screenshot was taken from help file) I already tried a reinstall.
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    Fuzzy looking lines and text (2019 version)

    I also have a fussy look in 2D drawings, solution for now: System Options - Display - Use Legacy Display (Restart Required). Specs: Windows 10 1803 Geforce GTX780M driver 425.31 1920x1080 no scale (100%)