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  1. C

    Multiple Instances of GD in Task Manager

    Will this issue ever be addressed, or did I miss the resolution for it? GD and Alibre for as long as I can remember does not close it session out completely, and holds onto memory. Does anyone else see this happen all the time?
  2. C

    Save as To New Vault

    Is there a way to do a save as to a new Vault? We are considering updating our part numbering conventions, and I hoping to find out if this is possible before we start.
  3. C

    Chat with Support?

    Has anyone actually been able to "Chat" with support lately? I have tried several times in the last couple of weeks, but always asked to leave a message. Just wondering.
  4. C

    BOM trouble.

    I really have not used BOMs all that much in the past, and now that I am trying to use them more I am having nothing but grief. First, it seems that BOMs are limited to one per drawing, not one per sheet. Is this correct? Second, I have an assembly that has four different configurations in it...
  5. C

    Does Red Eye work anymore?

    Does Red Eye work with 2012 64?
  6. C

    What's up with API?

    Doesn't seem like there is a lot of traffic on the API Forum. Is there updated documentation for V2012? Are there any updated samples?
  7. C

    Hole Call Out Format

    Is there anyway to change what is displayed when automatic hole call outs are used?
  8. C

    Auto Check in to Vault

    <Max> - renamed topic to be more accurate...</Max> Will auto check in for the vault ever be addressed? Last I heard from Alibre, seven months ago, is that it is an M-Files problem. M-Files of course say, it is an Alibre issue not implementing it correctly. I know that I am not the only one...
  9. C

    Sketch constraint problem.

    Ok, let me start by saying that I fully admit that my current problem might be something that I am doing/not doing correctly in the new version (2012). My problem: In a part sketch I have all of my dimensions in place that should constrain everything that needs to be. When I try to modify a...
  10. C

    Somone please explain why I am not getting a solid? please

    I am new to MOI and surfacers of any kind. Can someone please explain why I might be getting a thin walled solid, instead of a full solid when extruding a sketch? I have attached the file I am working with. I know it is something I am missing, just can't figure out what. Thanks.
  11. C

    Unable to check files in.

    Why is it I can't check some files in. I get an error that says "The system cannot find file specified." If it can't find the file, then why can I open it and edit it? Here is the details of the error.
  12. C

    Revision Levels of Configurations?

    Is there a way to change the revision level of just a single configuration in a part file? It is nice to be able to auto populate info on detail drawings, but it is a bummer when you are dealing with a family of parts and need to only change one detail of one of the family. I guess this is...
  13. C

    Vault file Error (STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS)?

    (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80030050 (STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS) Any one know what this means?
  14. C

    Trying to Determine Session Types

    I am sure I must be doing something wrong. I am trying to list all the open sessions and what type of session they are. But every time I have a drawing open I get an error message Here is my code; ListBox1.Items.Clear() Dim strAddType As String For i As Integer = 0 To...
  15. C

    Auto check-in?

    Has anyone figured out away do to this yet. Also, does anyone else that uses the vault of multiple users working in the vault? This is really becoming a serious problem for me.
  16. C

    Drawing text fields not updating

    Has any one else been having trouble with Text fields pulling data from the Vault data Card updating in their drawings? I seem to be having this really random problem and can't figure out the common thread, If there is one.
  17. C

    Remember desktop layout?

    IS there any way to have Keyshot remember how it's windows were layed out when it closed. It is very annoying to reset the windows every time.
  18. C

    Please explain why this is over constrained.

    Can someone please take a look at this and explain why it is over constrained? So far I have only applied two constraints. In the real world I should be able to apply a third.
  19. C

    Did Chat support go down today?

    I was trying to get an answer to a question I had via chat support today when it seemed like the support guy just bailed on me after I asked. Has anyone else had this problem. I have said it before and I am going to say it again. I wished support was like it used to be. I understand the...
  20. C

    How many use catalog features?

    It has been a long time since I have tried using catalog items. The main reason for this is that 90% of what I would use catalog items for would involve revolved features, which is still not an option. I don't understand how catalog features can only be limited to extrude boss features. Does...