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  1. M

    AD work postings?

    AD work postings? Just as I've come to really get to know Alibre Design, the company I work for laid me off. Is there any site - other than this one, of course - where Alibre Design work is advertised? I'm available for permanent or contract work...
  2. M

    light source editing, or options

    light source editing, or options I am finding that the default light source settings for Alibre can be somewhat limiting. It makes visualization of features on the left-hand of my screen difficult, because at times they are in the "shadow". I'd like to see, at a...
  3. M

    drawing tables?

    drawing tables? I got lucky, in that I have existing AutoCAD templates that I imported and had to do only very minor modifications to in order to make Alibre drawing templates. However, now that I'm doing tons of drawings, I'm finding that making...
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    drawing parameters

    drawing parameters I have recently noticed that drawing parameters are tied to the template used, and not the drawing itself. For example, I only recently finalized the templates that we're using. Thus, on older drawings I am replacing the templates...
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    default density

    default density I've wondered for a while what material has a density of 36.09 lb/cu-in. That's the default material density that has been coming up with new parts that I create... at least before I re-set that system-wide to a more reasonable 0.283...
  6. M

    withdrawing from a repository?

    withdrawing from a repository? My boss has become quite fearful of the Alibre repository - fears about the Internet going down (and thereby our access), Alibre going belly up, electronic snooping... nothing that I can really calm or deny. What he's asking me to...
  7. M

    Formula editor dimension sorting

    Formula editor dimension sorting Currently, as far as I can tell, the dimensions are listed in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, the dimensions are labelled as d1, d2...d8, d9, then d10, d11...d45, d46 and so on. If you sort that alphabectically, you will end up...
  8. M

    make WYSIWYG annotation optional

    make WYSIWYG annotation optional I am in the process of converting our AutoCAD drawing templates into Alibre files. Unfortunately, some of the text came in screwy, and I'm having to edit it manually. This text is rather small, which normally wouldn't be a problem...
  9. M

    customizable toolbars

    customizable toolbars I had been complaining about not being able to sketch conics with Alibre. Turns out you can - I just never bothered going through the menus to look for it. So now that I know it's there, I'd like to put the ellipse icon on my...
  10. M

    new drawing default model

    new drawing default model I'm finding it rather annoying that when I have an assembly open in one window, one of its components in another, and I go to make a drawing of the component, Alibre assumes that I want to make an assembly drawing. I have to wait for...
  11. M

    dimensions obscuring cursor in drawings

    dimensions obscuring cursor in drawings I am finding that when I try to create dimensions on my drawings that more than half the time the dimension I'm in the process of making obscures my cursor, making it extremely difficult to select small edges for dimension placement...
  12. M

    replace assembly component

    replace assembly component I'd like to suggest the ability to "replace" a component in an assembly with another component (or assembly), and/or the ability to take a component in an assembly and turn it into a subassembly, thereby allowing me to, for example...
  13. M

    get rid of Refer-a-Friend

    get rid of Refer-a-Friend Please give me a way to get rid of the Refer-a-Friend ad on my home window!! I like Alibre and will recommend it, but I do not need what amounts to an ad reminding me every single time I start up!
  14. M

    recent file menu

    recent file menu The recent file menu does not discriminate between types of Alibre files - if I've opened a part called "plate" and then opened a drawing of the same name, the recent file menu will simply show two instances of "plate", giving no hint...
  15. M

    hole dimensions in equation editor

    hole dimensions in equation editor I just discovered that I can't make two holes of equal diameter through the equation editor, as the diameters of said holes are not even displayed there. In the future, can hole (in this case, sheetmetal hole) diameter dimensions...
  16. M

    constraints as design dimensions in drawings

    constraints as design dimensions in drawings For assembly drawings, being able to project constraint dimensions as design dimensions would be highly beneficial. For example, I have a weldment where one piece is offset by 0.25" from the face of another. I have it assembled as...
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    expanded import/export extensions

    expanded import/export extensions Whenever I want to import a .iges file, I have to go in and manually rename it with a .igs extension, because Alibre doesn't recognize a .iges extension. How about added recognition for all extensions?
  18. M

    how much memory are you using?

    how much memory are you using? When I was first testing Alibre, my system had only 192MB of RAM, and I knew that wasn't enough. Now I'm running with 448 (don't ask about the weird numbers, you'd have to ask our IT guy what's going on there), but I'm still having...
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    multi-user repository

    multi-user repository This is a follow-up to this thread: http://www.alibre.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=120 I need a repository, or some data management system, that will allow multiple users to access design data regardless of what the administrator...
  20. M

    multi-user repository?

    multi-user repository? I became aware of what seems to be a fairly serious limitation with repositories. I created a repository on my company's engineering server, to both allow the other designers access to my project and to ensure that my data will get...