Script Features
The Alibre Script Advanced API addresses provides advanced users with a way to access the full Alibre Design API from inside Alibre Script with C# code. See the PDF in your install folder / Program / Addons / AlibreScript / AdvancedAPI.PDF.
Added support for custom properties. New functions: Part.GetCustomProperty(), Part.SetCustomProperty(), Assembly.GetCustomProperty(), Assembly.SetCustomProperty().
Added support for new assembly constraints. New functions: Assembly.AddGearConstraint(), Assembly.AddScrewConstraint(), Assembly.AddRackAndPinionConstraint(), Assenbly.AddFastenerConstraint(), Assembly.AddMateConstraint2(), Assembly.AddAlignConstraint2(), Assembly.AddAngleConstraint2().
Part.SaveSnapshot() now generates an image with the specified dimensions.
Added Part.PauseUpdating() and Part.ResumeUpdating().
Part.ExportBIP() and Assembly.ExportBIP() can now generate Keyshot files.
Added Ellipse and EllipticalArc classes.
Sketch.Figures now includes ellipses and elliptical arcs.
Added Sketch.AddEllipse() and Sketch.AddEllipticalArc().
Sketch.AddFigure() now supports ellipses and elliptical arcs.
Sketch.AddConstraint() now supports ellipses and elliptical arcs.
Sketch.CopyFrom() now supports copying ellipses and elliptical arcs.
Added support for embedding images in scripts (also Image to utility)
Face.IsParallel() and Face.DistanceTo() now work for faces on parts in assemblies.
When using UtilityDialog or OptionsDialog can now select parts directly instead of having to use the design explorer. Note - only works for the assembly that starts the script.
Added folders to organize the default script library.
Should now always close a sketch even if something goes wrong during editing.
Added TwoD.GetPerpendicularVector() and TwoD.NormalizeVector()
Added BSpline.GetNormalAt().
Part.Material is now text defining the material of the part instead of a real number defining the density. Note that this change is not backwards compatible.
Added Part.Density.
Added text properties to parts: Part.Comment, Part.CostCenter, Part.CreatedBy, Part.CreatedDate, Part.CreatingApplication, Part.DocumentNumber, Part.EngineeringApprovalDate, Part.EngineeringApprovedBy, Part.EstimatedCost, Part.Keywords, Part.LastAuthor, Part.LastUpdateDate, Part.ExtendedMaterialInformation, Part.ManufacturingApprovedBy, Part.ManufacturingApprovedDate, Part.ModifiedInformation, Part.Product, Part.ReceivedFrom, Part.Revision, Part.StockSize, Part.Supplier, Part.Title, Part.Vendor and Part.WebLink.
Added text properties to assemblies: Assembly.Comment, Assembly.CostCenter, Assembly.CreatedBy, Assembly.CreatedDate, Assembly.CreatingApplication, Assembly.DocumentNumber, Assembly.EngineeringApprovalDate, Assembly.EngineeringApprovedBy, Assembly.EstimatedCost, Assembly.Keywords, Assembly.LastAuthor, Assembly.LastUpdateDate, Assembly.ExtendedMaterialInformation, Assembly.ManufacturingApprovedBy, Assembly.ManufacturingApprovedDate, Assembly.ModifiedInformation, Assembly.Product, Assembly.ReceivedFrom, Assembly.Revision, Assembly.StockSize, Assembly.Supplier, Assembly.Title, Assembly.Vendor and Assembly.WebLink.
Added Assembly.Density, Assembly.Material, Assembly.Description and Assembly.Number to match the properties on parts.
Sketch.AddConstraint() now returns false if the constraint cannot be added.
Script Bug Fixes
Fixed bug that caused sys.path to be appended every time a script is run
Fixed bug that caused CurrentAssembly().Close() and CurrentPart().Close() to generate an error.
Sketch3D.AddBspline(Bspline3D Bspline) is now more accurate. In previous releases an interpolated curve was generated which could have resulted in a loss of fidelity. Now the curve is accurately generated.